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Gender equality

Gender equality

Gender equality

Gender equality and women’s empowerment are vital for inclusive, equitable, and sustainable development for all. 

The prevailing patriarchal, patrilineal, and patrilocal systems in many parts of the world, including Bangladesh, are marked by unequal power relations between men and women, leading to gender-based disparities, discrimination, and even violence committed against large segments of the female population. This discrimination against women and girls is evident across various aspects of life, including food distribution, education access, political participation, property ownership, employment opportunities, and decision-making power. 

Additionally, gender-specific vulnerabilities vary among women and girls through intersection with class, disability, and environmental, conflict or post-conflict challenges, among other key factors, impacting some groups more severely than others. 

Today, women experience heightened deprivation and vulnerability to poverty and socioeconomic adversity due to their persistently low status in society. As per the UN Gender Inequality Index (GII), Bangladesh ranks 131 out of 162 countries, revealing inequality along the dimensions of reproductive health, empowerment, and the labor market. Moreover, the majority of women (91.8 percent) work in the informal sector, leading to economic insecurity and exploitation. 

Despite notable advancements in Bangladesh's economy, culture, and society over recent decades, gender inequality and the resultant gender-based disparities persist, with far-reaching implications for the sustainable development of the country. As Bangladesh swiftly approaches its goal of transitioning out of the least developed country (LDC) status, the upcoming years are pivotal. In this context, the UNFPA is taking proactive measures to support Bangladesh in its efforts to achieve gender equality and promote women's empowerment. The focus is on creating an enabling legal and policy environment as well as eliminating harmful gendered norms that hinder the advancement of women and girls.

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