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State of World Population 2017

State of World Population Report

Worlds Apart - Reproductive health and rights in an age of inequality

What do economic inequality and family planning have in common? The surprising link between the two is explored in the State of World Population 2017, the flagship report of UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund. 


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Humanitarian Response Plan - Rohingya Refugee Response


UNFPA, other UN agencies and NGOs have jointly called for $US 434 million to reach a 1.2 million affected population - inlcuding new arrivals, previous arrivals, host community, and anticipated arrivals -  in Cox's Bazar District, Bangladesh until Febraury 2018. Here is the cross-sectoral plan to respond to the Rohingya refugee crisis.

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UNFPA Bangladesh Launches 9th Country Programme


UNFPA Bangladesh and the Economic Relations Division of the Ministry of Finance signed the 'Country Programme Action Plan' on June 19th, 2017, marking the official launch of UNFPA's 9th Country Programme in Bangladesh.

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Annual Report 2016: Millions of lives transformed

Annual Report

Now more than ever, we must ensure that the marginalized, the forgotten—the ones often left behind—can exercise their fundamental human right to decide, free of coercion, discrimination and violence, when or how often to have children.

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Urbanization and Migration in Bangladesh


The Sustainable Development Goals place an emphasis on making cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. In line with these goals I hope that policymakers, city planners, academics, development partners and civil society organization will find this report useful in anticipating and planning urbanization programs in a sustainable manner.

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The Impact of the Demographic Transition on Socioeconomic Development in Bangladesh


The report provides an analytical review and policy recommendations on some of the key topics contained in the International Conference on Population and Development Plan of Action—beyond 2014.

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State of Midwifery Report


The State of the World’s Midwifery (SoWMy) 2014: A Universal Pathway. A Woman’s Right to Health takes its inspiration from the United Nations Secretary-General’s Every Woman Every Child initiative and his call to action in September 2013 to do everything possible to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015 and work towards the development and adoption of a post-2015 agenda based on the principle of universality. 

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Preliminary finding men's attitude and practices regarding gender and violence against women in Bangladesh


Violence against women and girls (VAWG) is a violation of human rights. Intimate partner violence is the most common form of VAWG (Morrison et al. 2004; Naved et al. 2004). According to findings from the WHO Multicountry Study on Women’s Health and Domestic Violence, prevalence of physical violence by an intimate partner ranges from 23 to 61 percent; sexual violence – from 10 to 59 percent; and physical or sexual violence or both – from 29 to 71 percent in developing countries (Garcia-Moreno et al. 2006). In Bangladesh, the national rate of physical violence perpetrated by a husband calculated from reports by men is as high as 58 percent (BDHS 2009).

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