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Summary Report: Reproductive Age Mortality Study (RAMOS)

Technical Reports and Document

The main purpose of this study was to obtain accurate estimates of the number of Pregnancy-Related Deaths (PRD) and documenting the cause  and associated conditions among all women of reproductive age (WRA) who died within the first year after the influx of the Rohingya Population, (September 2017 – August 2018) in Cox's Bazar Bangladesh. This study also aimed to establish a foundation of the surveillance system that will lead to adequate and effective responses. 

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State of World Population Report 2019

State of World Population Report

The report has been published since 1978. It is used to give wider visibility to critical and emerging issues and trends in world population and demographics.

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UNFPA Bangladesh Annual Report 2018

Annual Report

In 2018, UNFPA Bangladesh and our partners supported the Government of Bangladesh in delivering on our ambitious agenda, working tirelessly to reach the most vulnerable women and girls in the country with a view to transforming their lives and future.

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UNFPA Situation Report: Rohingya Refugee Response February-March 2019


This bimonthly situation report focuses on the recent developments in the Rohingya crisis.

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UNFPA Situation Report: Rohingya Refugee Response November 2018


This month attention was focused on the Rohingya crisis as the Governments of Myanmar and Bangladesh agreed on a repatriation plan. While the repatriation of around 2,200 listed Rohingya people did not proceed, the fear it caused may have impacted on services in the two camps where the Government took action. Measures are now in place to ensure refugees have access to information they need on their rights.

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UNFPA Situation Report: Rohingya Refugee Response July 2018


The rains returned heavily after 23 July with more than 463mm of accumlated rain, nearly the highest ever recorded in June in 1 day. UNFPA supported facilities, both for SRHR and GBV were operational throughout the adverse weather despite the inevitable challenges associated with rain damage, road conditions and mobility.

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UNFPA Situation Report: Rohingya Refugee Response June 2018

Annual Report

10 months into the response over 700,000 people remain settled into the main Rohingya settlements.     

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UNFPA Situation Report: Rohingya Refugee Response May 2018


Nine months have passed since the crisis began 25 August 2017, where over 693,000 Rohingya refugees have arrived in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh from Myanmar.  52 percent of the new-arrivals are women and girls.  We reiterate that their vulnerability in overcrowded, insecure camps and settlements will be amplified as heavy rains and possible cyclones approach in coming months.

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UNFPA Situation Report: Rohingya Refugee Response April 2018


Eight months have passed since the crisis began 25 August 2017, where over 693,000 Rohingya refugees have arrived in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh from Myanmar.  52 percent of the new-arrivals are women and girls.  We reiterate that their vulnerability in overcrowded, insecure camps and settlements will be amplified as heavy rains and possible cyclones approach in coming months. 

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UNFPA Situation Report: Rohingya Refugee Response March 2018


UNFPA is preparing for imminent naturals diasters and the complex, protracted situation ahead.  UNFPA is leading response efforts for the unique health and protection needs of women and girls caught in this crisis, contributing to the Cox’s Bazar Joint Response Plan March through December 2018. 

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