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The year 2022 was pivotal. We saw the global population hit 8 billion in November. For UNFPA, it was crucial to emphasize that population growth in and of itself is not a threat or a negative thing as long as it is grounded in the free choices of women. Our work to promote the reproductive rights and choices of women and girls in Bangladesh includes efforts at all levels in partnership with the government and civil society. 

The following 12 stories of girls, women, boys, and men from all around Bangladesh serve as a reminder that behind every intervention, there are people - with unique backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. 

UNFPA thanks the government of Bangladesh, donors, strategic partners, and supporters for all the assistance and hard work. Our continued partnership gives us faith in a future in Bangladesh in which every woman, girl, and young person can live a life of dignity and choices, with the opportunity to enjoy their rights and fulfill their potential.