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300 School Girls observed UN Day for the first time in Bandarban

300 School Girls observed UN Day for the first time in Bandarban


300 School Girls observed UN Day for the first time in Bandarban

calendar_today 20 November 2018

Students of Bandarban Government Girls High School obtained knowledge on "Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs)"


 “We want to see a greener, safer and more secure Bandarban! We hope for a contemporary women-friendly hospital, telemedicine and a university in the near future.” This is what one of the students from Bandarban Government Girls High School had to say when asked about the inspiration behind their artwork.

Dr. Asa Torkelsson, the UNFPA Representative of Bangladesh paid a visit to the Bandarban Government Girls High School as a part of the country-wide celebration of UN day 2018. An art and quiz competition was held on the theme “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Development of Bangladesh in your eyes” in order to celebrate the girls’ creativity as well as highlight UN issues.


The art competition was about “How they want to see Bandarban Hill district by 2030”. Bandarban may be a scenic beauty, but due to its remoteness, their locals face a plethora of everyday adversities. Over 300 girls participated who despite their everyday issues, didn’t thwart their optimism for a better Bandarban, and a better country. Through their art, they reflected on the importance of planting more trees and the significance of restoration programs.


“My heart goes for the Rohingya girls. They are facing a lot of challenges. From inadequate food and clothing to constant harassment, I sincerely hope their difficult days are over soon and they get to do normal things like going to school and realizing their dreams.”


This is what another bright school girl from Bandarban had to say. For a young girl to show this kind of sensitivity towards a different community despite facing hardships in her own speaks volumes about her wisdom and empathy and the connectedness in Bangladesh.

A quiz competition and awareness program were also held in order to educate the Bandarban girls about the Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs). Their teachers coached them about the matter for weeks before the event. On the day of the event, they were tested about the matter. Through this competition, the girls wished to fulfill all the SDGs in Bandarban, hence ensuring no one gets left behind.


The UNFPA team was very impressed by the girls and lauded their zeal, creativity, dexterity, and vision. Dr. Asa was overwhelmed by their ideas and creativity and went on to add: “On this special occasion of UN Day, we have had the privilege to be hosting art competitions in different districts of Bangladesh. I am astounded witnessing the marvelous creations the girls of Bandarban Government High School have produced. Without a doubt, they’ll make for amazing artists, visionaries and innovative leaders. I rest assure, our future is in good hands.”


Along with the Additional Deputy Commissioner, Police Super and Head Teacher of the School, UNFPA Representative, Dr. Asa Torkelsson, distributed prizes among the winners of the Art Competition and Quiz Contest. The girls thoroughly enjoyed the competitions and through their creativity and imagination showcased their concern for the environment, society, and people, and care for the future.