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SRH Working Group’s Strategy on Family Planning for the Rohingya Humanitarian Crisis 2021 - 2023


Family planning (FP) services are considered one of the minimum service packages of health services that have to be made available in the Refugees camps and surrounding host communities in Cox’s Bazar. The Government of Bangladesh is working in collaboration with the Sexual and Reproductive Health Working Group [SRH WG] partners under the umbrella of the Health Sector to meet the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs of Rohingya refugees and surrounding host communities in Cox’s Bazar area.

To ensure family planning is accessible and voluntary, based on informed choices, for everyone, we developed a structured strategy for delivering family planning services in a collaborative way through the SRH Working Group. This strategy of Family Planning, covering the period of 2021 to 2023, represents a guiding document for the SRH partners who are working on humanitarian ground, particularly in the area of family planning. This is a living document, so there is a roam of modification in future with more thoughts and new ideas.

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Sexual and Reproductive Health Working Group Bulletin (January - December 2021)


Sexual and Reproductive Health Working Group Bulletin. This bulletin is based on data reported by the SRH Working Group partners between January and December 2021.

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Situation Report- Humanitarian Response, Cox's Bazar (Oct-Dec 2021)

Situation Report

This Situation Report highlights UNFPA Bangladesh's Response to the Humanitarian Situation in Cox's Bazar during the period of October to December 2021.

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Fistula Annual Report- 2020

Annual Report

The Annual Report 2020 on Obstetric Fistula in Bangladesh was developed with support from UNFPA. 

UNFPA supports the Government of Bangladesh in strengthening the Emergency Obstetric Fistula Care programme, to accelerate the elimination of fistula in the country.

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Factsheet on End Obstetric Fistula Programme in Rajshahi, Sylhet, Rangpur and Chattagram Divisions of Bangladesh

Fact Sheet

Obstetric fistula is one of the most devastating pregnancy-related morbidity in Bangladesh, mostly affecting women from marginalized socio-economic backgrounds- people who are often referred to as 'left behind. Due to a significant number of people are living behind char areas, hard to reach areas and ethnic communities. 

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Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response (MPDSR) in Bangladesh - 2020


Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response (MPDSR) in Bangladesh is a comprehensive system encompassing both community and facility deaths. Any maternal death, neonatal death or stillbirth is notified by the field level government health care providers at the community level and by the senior staff nurses at the facility level. 

This publication shares the highlights of MPDSR in 2020.

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UNFPA Bangladesh Highlights: December 2021


This monthly report provides a snapshot of the key highlights achieved by UNFPA Bangladesh during December 2021.

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UNFPA Bangladesh Highlights: October 2021


This monthly report provides a snapshot of the key highlights achieved by UNFPA Bangladesh during October 2021.

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UNFPA Bangladesh Highlights: September 2021


This monthly report provides a snapshot of the key highlights achieved by UNFPA Bangladesh during September 2021.

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Sexual and Reproductive Health Working Group Bulletin 2021


SRH Working Group partners ensured continuity of life-saving and quality Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights [SRHR] interventions, in Rohingya refugee camps and host communities in Cox’s Bazar, in the context of COVID-19 and, flooding and landslides experienced in July and August following heavy monsoon rains. 

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